5 Facial Recognitions Apps That You Must Know About In 2020
Many of the ultra-innovative technology shown in popular sci-fi movies of the 70s and 80s are now finally becoming mainstream and few of them are as promising or as interesting as Facial Recognition Apps. No two human faces are like and if an app can recognize this difference, it can bring an incredible amount of value to a wide variety of niches including government and law enforcement agencies, cybersecurity industry, the entertainment industry and the financial and banking industry. And such apps are already here and performing exceptionally well on all fronts. If you still don’t know much about the best facial recognition apps in 2020 , then here us listing the top five from among them: 1. Face2Gene: This one had to be at the top of the list most definitely, since this facial recognition app is doing something which will bring incredible value to the field of medical science. Face2Gene is helping medical researchers identify different syndromes wi...